Tag Archives: University of the People

Studying at the University of the People

There are a couple of problems studying at the University of the People(here forth UoP), each of which has nothing to do with the quality of the education. For one it is only nationally accredited. So, unfortunately, even if you wanted to, you cannot go further in your education unless you go through one of their partners. That, in of itself, is not exactly easy. My experience there so far has been excellent. The Programming Fundamentals course I am taking, although a little basic for me(I have been coding since I was 13), are of good quality if you are a beginner. I have learned a little bit as well. Also, the online education strategies, which is required for the first term, has helped me get introduced to the online schooling style. It also has helped me in learning the APA reference format as I have never done so before. I am trying to get into a regionally accredited school just for the possibility that I want to go further in my education.

The thought of it being “free” is what really drove me to pursue the UoP, but the fact that it is very flexible with its schedule was a must for me as I work a full-time job as well. Lastly, what drove me to enroll, is that I wanted to learn. I have always been one to teach myself things. From coding to writing, to guitar. I have trained myself to do quite a bit. I always wanted to go to college because of this love of learning. I just never did, firstly, I wasn’t a good student as a high schooler, and secondly, I would have to pay my own way as my parents won’t help and there are no scholarships for a 28-year-old who graduated with a sub 2.0 GPA. So I went the way of UoP.

I am hoping that since I am at a college, it will open some doors in the way of other schools. Although, I am not counting on it. I am expecting to get at least a 3.8 GPA and am well on my way in doing so. The main things, as I stated before is to learn though. Where that takes me is up to chance, and my own abilities of course. I am glad I am not one of those people that are going to college just for a degree. In my view, a degree is not everything. It is just a piece of paper. The real value comes from the knowledge that you gain. That part is all up to you. You can pass without learning anything, as many people have done but, if you apply yourself, you can get a great deal out of college.

Right now I am learning about what is called “self-directed learning” As Malcolm Knowles(1975, p.75) put it, it is a method of learning where an “individual [takes] the initiative, with or without the assistance of others” to figure out what they need to learn, their goals, and finding the resource to learn. Honestly, this is what I have been doing all along. Although in my reading I have not been following all the guidelines that are prescribed for this type of learning; that is something I will have to work on. Putting a name on it, however, is an excellent way for me to get better at it. I can read up on it and develop that skill the right way.

Even though UoP is not of the highest accreditation, due to it being relatively new, and the concept of the way they do things has never been done before, the quality of the learning is not sub-par. The system of learning in the United States is a slow-moving machine that is hard to redirect. Eventually, however, I believe the UoP will get its accreditation and be a force to be reckoned with in the world of academics. Only the future can tell.


Malcolm Knowles. (1975). Self-Directed Learning: A Guide For Learners and Teachers. New York: Association Press